Tuesday, May 19, 2020

FAIL winter Hitchhiking

February 2019
Special for Andrey - you know if it is you:)

February 2019... We tried to travel by hitchhiking with my friend:) Our goal was to achieve Vienne and came back to Russia in 10 days. 

First day we've travelled 16 hours, and drove 400 kilometers only. 43 of them we walked on foot.

No cars, and if any appears, the driver don't want to take two strange men:)

In 2 o'clock in the night we arrived to Rezekne city, found a hostel and fell off to sleep. Next morning, suffering from leg pain, we decided - stop, let's go home! 

Thus ended our epic journey:)

Never travel an indivisible deuce, guys!:)

Special thanks for all drivers:)

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