Monday, May 18, 2020

Hitchhiking in Estonia⛵

May 2019

May 2019 in St Petersburg was beautiful - warm and sunny! I take my backpack and go to highway. My goal is to reach Tallinn and meet my friend, and then visit Estonian islands. 
The first place we have visited with my friend was War Cemetry. It was 9th of May - Victory Day, holiday for all Soviet people. The Bronze Soldier in Tallinn is not forgotten, huge amount of people stand in line to lay flowers.

After that, we go to see some interesting places. It is Glen's castle, now it is place for celebrating something. 

Near the castle stays Kalev - epic hero from Kalevapoeg tale. The inscription says that he who considers him a devil is a fool:)

Than we've visited Glen's greenhouse and go to have a beer and sleep.

Next morning...

...when I went outside home, I've meet very strange robots. They drive along the sidewalks, using pedestrian crossings and traffic signals! I supposed that they are looking for Sarah Connor, but it was only food delivery. 

From Tallinn I take the car right to island Hiiumaa! We used this ferry and arrived to island.

Any time I became hungry and found a Coop supermarket in internet, because Coops are usually big... Not in Hiiumaa! It is real supermarket, credit card payment also available.

Unfortunately, it became rainy. But the nature is beautiful regardless of the weather!

Before rain it was road:)

It is my 5-stars hotel for this night

When I came back to mainland and slept, it was early morning - no cars, no people. But I've seen amazing castle Ungru.

I went 10 kilometers before arrived to city.

In the Hiiumaa old buildings are everywhere - and no tourists, silent and calmly places.

My way to St Petersburg was easy: I've stopped a car until Rakvere, and than until Narva directly, crossed the border and my friend took me from Ivangorod.

It was short but good trip, full of interesting places and kind people! Open the border - I want to go again!

Special thanks to my friends (names are not needed, you know if it is you:)) and all drivers who helped me to do this trip - guys, you are cool!

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